Lifelong Learning Programme

The European Commission support for the production of this document does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

All Associated Partners

As a result of the exploitation activity a number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years.

The associate partners of the Learning for Life project are organizations interested in promoting science education and innovative teaching learning methodologies. All associated partners share the project objectives and are willing to contribute to their achievement.

Institutions and organisations interested in becoming associated partners of the Learning for Life project can contact the the national coordinators of the project.

Name Country Partner
Liceul Tehnologic ”Alexandru Vlahuță” Șendriceni, județul Botoșani Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Liceul Tehnologic ”Elie Radu” Botoșani Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Hernaniko Hezkuntza Plataforma Spain UPV/EHU
Primăria Municipiului Botoșani Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Irungo Berritzegunea Spain Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. W. Broniewskiego w Świdniku Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
UEU (Udako Euskal Unibertsiteta) Spain UPV/EHU
Rancho Folclórico de Barcelinhos Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
IPCA-Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
EUREKA! Zientzia Museoa Spain UPV/EHU
ACIB- Associação Comercial e Industrial de Barcelos Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
Junta de Freguesia de Barcelinhos Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
Limerick Institute of Technology Ireland Pixel
Amigos da Montanha Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Portugal Pixel
Inforef Belgium Pixel
VšĮ “eMundus” Lithuania Pixel
EuroED Romania Pixel
Câmara Municipal de Barcelos Portugal Agrupamento Rosa Ramalho
CIPAT Italy Pixel
Kristau Eskola SPAIN Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak
Centrul Județean de Resurse și de Asistență Educațională (CJRAE) Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Botoșani Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Casa Corpului Didactic Botoșani Romania Liceul “Alexandru cel Bun” Botoșani
Berritzegune Lasarte SPAIN Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak
Berritzegune Donostia SPAIN Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak
Miejskie Centrum Usług Socjalnych Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
Fundacja Aktywności Obywatelskiej Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
Gmina Miejska Świdnik Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UMCS Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
Inspectoria Salesiana Santiago El Mayor SPAIN Salesianos Urnieta Salesiarrak
Wydział Humanistyczny UMCS Poland Gimnazjum nr 3
Name Country Partner



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