Lifelong Learning Programme

The European Commission support for the production of this document does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Description

The context

In the last years new education methodology approaches have been developed, such as Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Multiple Intelligences (MI). Thanks to those methodologies students will learn by trying to solve real life problems. Learning will be boosted by the need to solve the problem. At the same time all the students are different and following the MI theory, although all of them are intelligent, the way they learn is different. So thanks to these methodologies we will address the problem of motivation towards learning, improvement in learning results and early school leaving.

As in real life, various subjects will be involved in each problem, but the core subjects of the projects will be Maths, Science and Literacy.

Projects will be designed also with the aim of developing other values, which are and will be the skills required in the present and future society, such as solidarity, ethics, honesty, social entrepreneurship and environmental responsibility.

The objectives
  • Develop 12 didactical units, and PBL projects focussed on Maths, Science and Literacy curriculum goals, with activities that will take into account MI theory. Activities for all types of students / all types of intelligences.
  • Develop training material for teachers explaining the PBL methodology and MI theory.

The target groups
  • Secondary Education students between 12 and 16, since this is the age when students most suffer from underachievement in Maths, Science and Reading mainly due to the teaching methods of the schools.
  • Secondary Education Teachers of Maths, Science, and Literacy.


Different activities will be carried out throughout the project:

  • Analysis of the National Curriculum requirements and decision about the skills and targets to be covered by each Learner Task.
  • Definition of guidelines for teachers about PBL and MI methodologies: development of training material about PBL methodology and MI theory.
  • Design and development of the Teaching Package: development of 12 learner tasks including curriculum targets.
  • Dissemination activities of the project including news, social media, website, presentation of the products and final conference.

Results and impact

This project involves creating an educational product based on National Curriculum requirements. Twelve didactical units based on PBL will be developed together with a training material for teachers in order to be able to use the units properly applying the PBL methodology and MI theory. This project will positively influence on the skills of participants: on the one hand, students will improve their academic skills and results in the core subjects Maths, Science and Literacy. On the other hand, teachers will improve their skills in leading teams and also in assessing the degree of improvement that the students have experienced. The final product will be released to all associated centres but at the same time, teachers from other schools will be encouraged to follow the product in their teaching programmes.


In the long term this project will contribute to:

  • Teacher’s education training. Teachers will get better education training on PBL and MI theory and thus will be able to acquire and include the basic principles stated by these theories in their teaching programmes. Moreover, they will have the means for enhancing their students’ motivation towards learning and encourage and support them on their education.
  • Improving students’ results especially in Maths, Science and Literacy. Applying PBL and MI theories students’ motivation and attitude towards learning will increase. As a consequence, they will be able to get better marks.
  • Reducing early school leaving and the number of drop-outs: more motivated pupils and better attitude towards learning will make for more engaged and determined students.



Didactical Units
    - Learner Tasks & Teachers’       Guidelines
    - Products

    - Contractual partners
    - Schools
    - Associated Partners

Information and Contacts
    - Brochure
    - Contacts
    - Latest News
    - Press Reviews
    - Testimonials
    - Conferences

Project Management
    - Project Description
    - Project Partnership
    - Project Results
    - Project Meetings
    - Work in progress
    - Dissemination
    - Exploitation
    - Download Area